Thursday, July 22, 2010

Is that Maalox gluten-free??

"Is that Maalox gluten-free?"

Now, as someone who has food allergies I can understand about being cautious about the things that I put into my body (at least the things that I'm eating anyway), but when it comes to medicines that are meant to speed up my recovery/cure an illness, I'd make an exception. At the risk of sounding insensitive or mean, I'm not entirely convinced that folks who have gluten "allergies" are actually for real. In the medical world, an allergy is something that is usually life threatening. My former roommate, for example, goes into anaphylactic shock just by looking at fish inappropriately. That, my dear readers, is an allergy. If high fructose corn syrup or gluten upsets your tummy, well, I'm not entirely convinced I should hold your antibiotics! If, on the other hand, eating a peanut forces me to give you oxygen up the butt because that is the only hole in your body that hasn't swollen shut, then I'm convinced.


  1. Another good link to Mayo Clinic.

  2. Food allergies stink. I'm very sorry that you suffer from some. Clearly, however, your "suffering from food allergies" doesn't cause your intestinal villi to become so inflamed from a lifetime of irritation that you are malnourished, that your hair falls out, and that your joints hurt even when you have a tiny bit of whatever it is that makes you "allergic". Also, it seems apparent that you've never felt abdominal pain so intense that you can't stand, lay down, or do anything but ride it out until you feel better. Gluten "allergies" would better be described as intolerance. It is an autoimmune disorder where in the body attacks itself and therefore destroys itself slowly over time.
    I found this blog because I accidentally poisoned myself today by cooking in a pan that I once cooked a wheat item in. So yeah, I am in pain, and I need to know if Maalox is gluten free...instead I'm just grumpy at people who blog but don't take the time to research the things they don't understand.
